Public Employees
Who We Are:
We are the union of public service workers in Virginia, uniting people who work for cities and counties all across the Commonwealth of Virginia to improve our jobs and the services we provide to our communities.
As county and city employees, we work hard to support our families and to provide the essential services that make our communities strong. But too many of us are underpaid and overworked and are being left behind. Learn more about the union difference here.
Together, we can change that. By using our strength in numbers and joining together in our union, we will have a much stronger voice on the job — and for the first time, we will have the ability to negotiate a contract that addresses many of the issues we care about, including:
- Better wages
- Secure and affordable benefits
- A say in our working conditions
Why Now?
On May 1, 2021, We made history by ending the ban on collective bargaining for local government workers. Today, we finally have the opportunity to have the same rights and freedoms that tens of millions of employees in 47 states already have: a real voice on the job through collective bargaining. Now is the time to for us to come together, build our power and unite in our union.
Join Us:
We don’t win because our bosses decide out of the goodness of their hearts to give us raises and rights at work. We win when we stand together for what we need to care for ourselves, our families and our communities. It’s time for us to build our union and win a union contract that improves our jobs and services.
We’re stronger when we’re united.