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Primary Election: Working People Turn Out to Demand Unions for All

June 21, 2023

Working people turned out across Virginia in the June 20th primary election to vote for candidates who will fight for good union jobs, and economic and racial justice for all.

On Tuesday, June 20, working people across Virginia turned out in state and local primary elections to vote for candidates who will fight for a better future for all.

“Virginia working people and their families are mobilizing to win a just economy and a strong multi-racial democracy for all,” said Tammie Wondong, a Fairfax County employee and President of SEIU Virginia 512's Fairfax Chapter.

“We knocked doors, made phone calls, sent texts, and showed up to the ballot box to vote for candidates who will fight for racial and economic justice. We expect them to use all of the power they have to make it easier for workers across Virginia to build strong industry-wide unions, to pass paid family and medical leave, and to stop racist anti-voter laws so that all communities can thrive.”

Virginians will go to the polls once again in the general election, in the 45 days leading up to the November 7, 2023 election.