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Need help on the job?

SEIU Virginia 512 members are not alone when dealing with challenges on the job. Your union invests in two full-time professional advocates who are available to help you navigate and resolve challenges at work. Our Member Services Team assists over 450 members per year.

For our public sector members (Fairfax and Loudoun), some common types of issues we help with include: leave benefits, Family Medical Leave (FML) job protection, overtime and pay, interactive disability accommodations, performance evaluations, performance improvement plans (PIP), disciplinary actions (oral and written reprimand, suspensions, dismissals), internal audit investigations, discrimination, bullying, conflict with co-worker/supervisor, workplace safety, injury leave, and drive cam violations.

For our homecare members, some common types of issues we help members with include: assistance with paycheck issues and navigating the protocols established by DMAS and the fiscal agents (Public Partnerships, Consumer Directed Care Network (CDCN), ACES$).

We believe that knowledge is power. Each year, our Member Services Team provides ongoing training to keep members informed in the workplace, ensure that personnel regulations are followed by management, and problem-solve issues before they become grievances. Contact us schedule a training at your worksite!

Our Member Services Team consults with McGillivary Steele Elkins LLP, a top rated law firm devoted to protecting and enforcing the rights and interests of labor organizations.

For more information, contact Member Services at For urgent inquiries, call 571-432-0209.